How to develop an AI-based Keyboard app like Microsoft Swiftkey

7 min readJan 4, 2024


How to develop an AI-based Keyboard app like Microsoft Swiftkey

In the dynamic world of mobile app development, creating innovative and user-friendly applications is key to staying ahead of the curve. One such innovation that has transformed the way we interact with our devices is AI-based keyboard apps. Microsoft SwiftKey, a frontrunner in this space, has set the benchmark for intuitive and efficient typing experiences. If you’re intrigued by the idea of developing a similar AI-powered keyboard app, this guide is for you.

What is Microsoft Swiftkey?

Microsoft SwiftKey is an advanced mobile keyboard application that leverages artificial intelligence to enhance the typing experience on smartphones and tablets. Acquired by Microsoft, SwiftKey has become a pioneering solution in predictive text input. Its hallmark feature lies in its ability to learn from user input, adapt to individual writing styles, and predict the next word with remarkable accuracy. This adaptive learning, powered by sophisticated machine learning algorithms, enables users to type faster and with greater convenience. SwiftKey’s success is rooted in its capacity to comprehend context, offer personalized suggestions, and seamlessly adapt to the diverse linguistic nuances of users worldwide, making it a benchmark in the realm of AI-driven keyboard applications.

Understanding the Landscape

Before diving into the development process, it’s crucial to comprehend the landscape of AI app development. Partnering with a reputable AI app development company can provide the expertise needed for a successful venture. In New York, renowned mobile app development companies, specializing in AI and chatbot development, can offer the necessary insights and skills to bring your vision to life.

How does the Microsoft Swiftkey Work?

Microsoft SwiftKey operates through a combination of advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms, revolutionizing the conventional typing experience. The core mechanism involves the application’s ability to analyze vast amounts of data, learning from the user’s typing habits, vocabulary, and language preferences. As users type, SwiftKey dynamically predicts the next word based on the context and patterns it has identified, significantly reducing the need for manual input. This predictive text feature is continually refined, ensuring an increasingly accurate and personalized experience. The app adapts to the user’s writing style, considering factors such as slang, colloquialisms, and multilingual input. SwiftKey’s sophisticated algorithms not only enhance typing speed but also facilitate a seamless transition between languages, making it an indispensable tool for a diverse global user base. The result is a keyboard that keeps up with user preferences and anticipates them, setting a new standard for intelligent text input on mobile devices.

Leveraging Generative AI Technology

At the heart of Microsoft SwiftKey’s success lies its integration of Generative AI. This technology enables the keyboard to understand user patterns, predict the next words, and offer contextually relevant suggestions. Collaborating with a Mobile app development company in New York ensures your keyboard app harnesses the power of machine learning for accurate and personalized predictions.

User-Centric Design

An AI-based keyboard app should prioritize user experience. Consider hiring a dedicated AI developer who understands the nuances of designing interfaces that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also highly functional. This emphasis on user-centric design is essential for creating an app that seamlessly integrates into users’ daily routines.

Customizable Features

Different users have different preferences. To cater to a diverse audience, your keyboard app should offer customizable features. Whether it’s personalized word predictions, keyboard themes, or gesture controls, allowing users to tailor the app to their liking enhances overall satisfaction.

The Role of an AI Chatbot Development Company

Integrating an AI chatbot within the keyboard app can further elevate user engagement. Users can interact with the chatbot for quick information retrieval, language translation, or even productivity tasks. Collaborating with a specialized AI chatbot development company ensures the seamless integration of this interactive feature.

Optimizing for Speed and Efficiency

In the fast-paced world of mobile communication, speed is paramount. Optimize your keyboard app for quick response times and minimal latency. This requires fine-tuning algorithms and continuously refining the AI models, a task best handled by experts in the field.

What Are The Key Features Of An App Like Microsoft Swiftkey?

An app like Microsoft SwiftKey boasts a myriad of key features that contribute to its success as a premier AI-based keyboard application. Foremost among these is the app’s adaptive learning capability, which allows it to comprehend and predict user input accurately. SwiftKey’s predictive text feature is finely tuned to each user’s writing style, offering personalized suggestions that evolve. The keyboard’s multilingual prowess stands out, seamlessly switching between languages and accommodating diverse linguistic preferences. Customization is a key aspect, with users able to personalize their keyboard through various themes, layouts, and even emoji predictions. SwiftKey’s commitment to inclusivity is evident in its accessibility features, making typing easier for users with diverse needs. Gesture typing, voice input, and a robust autocorrect system further enhance the overall typing experience. Together, these features define an app like Microsoft SwiftKey as a sophisticated and user-centric solution that goes beyond traditional keyboard functionalities, setting the standard for AI-driven keyboard applications.

Here are some key features of an app like Microsoft SwiftKey:

1. Adaptive Learning: The app employs advanced machine learning algorithms to understand and adapt to individual typing habits, continuously improving predictions and accuracy.

2. Predictive Text: SwiftKey’s hallmark feature, predictive text, anticipates the next word based on context and user behavior, allowing for faster and more efficient typing.

3. Multilingual Support: The ability to seamlessly switch between languages and accommodate diverse linguistic preferences caters to a global user base.

4. Personalization: Users can customize the keyboard with a variety of themes, layouts, and settings, creating a personalized and aesthetically pleasing typing experience.

5. Accessibility Features: SwiftKey incorporates accessibility features, making it inclusive and user-friendly for individuals with diverse needs, ensuring a more universally accessible typing experience.

6. Gesture Typing: Users can input text by swiping or gliding their fingers across the keyboard, offering an alternative and convenient method for typing.

7. Voice Input: The inclusion of voice recognition allows users to dictate text, enhancing the hands-free and convenience aspects of the application.

8. Autocorrect System: A robust autocorrect system ensures that even when there are typos or misspellings, the app intelligently corrects and refines the input.

9. Emoji Predictions: SwiftKey goes beyond text predictions by incorporating emoji suggestions, enhancing expressiveness, and making communication more fun and engaging.

10. Sync Across Devices: Users can sync their personalized settings and learned data across multiple devices, ensuring a consistent and familiar experience no matter where they are typing.

11. Continuous Updates: Regular updates introduce new features, improvements, and language support, ensuring the app stays relevant and meets evolving user expectations.

These features collectively contribute to an intelligent and user-centric typing experience, making an app like Microsoft SwiftKey stand out in the competitive landscape of keyboard applications.

How to create an AI-based Keyboard app like Microsoft Swiftkey?

Creating an AI-based keyboard app like Microsoft SwiftKey involves a strategic and comprehensive development process. Begin by partnering with a reputable AI app development company to tap into their expertise. Define the app’s objectives and target audience, emphasizing adaptability and user-centric design. Integrate Generative AI technology to enable the keyboard to learn and predict user input accurately. Hire dedicated AI developers with a deep understanding of machine learning to fine-tune algorithms for optimal performance. Prioritize a seamless user experience with customizable features, allowing users to personalize their keyboards. Collaborate with an AI chatbot development company to explore interactive functionalities within the app. Optimize for speed and efficiency, ensuring quick response times and minimal latency. Regularly update the app to incorporate the latest advancements in AI and address user feedback. Throughout the development process, keep the end-user in mind, aiming to create an intuitive and personalized typing experience that sets your AI-based keyboard app apart in the competitive landscape.

How much does it cost to develop an AI-based Keyboard app like Microsoft Swiftkey?

Determining the precise cost to develop an AI-based keyboard app like Microsoft SwiftKey involves various factors that contribute to the overall complexity and functionality of the application. Costs typically include expenses for software development, design, testing, integration of AI technologies, and ongoing maintenance. Collaborating with an AI app development company, a key partner in such projects, may incur additional costs. The complexity of AI algorithms, the level of customization, and the incorporation of features such as multilingual support, predictive text, and personalized themes will influence the overall development cost. Additionally, hire AI developers and ensuring rigorous testing processes can contribute to the budget. While providing an exact figure is challenging, it’s crucial to approach development with a clear understanding of your app’s unique features and user experience goals to create a budget that aligns with your vision for a successful AI-based keyboard app.


Developing an AI-based keyboard app akin to Microsoft SwiftKey demands a strategic approach, a user-centric mindset, and collaboration with experts in AI and mobile app development. As you embark on this journey, consider the assistance of a reputable AI app development company, a Generative AI development company, and an AI chatbot development company to ensure your app not only meets but exceeds user expectations. Together, these elements will pave the way for a cutting-edge keyboard app that stands out in the competitive app market.




Hi, I am Ellysa Perry, working in Quytech as a BDE . We are recognized globally as a Top Mobile App Development Company.